Friday, December 20, 2019


In Romania inca sunt poate Pobezi, una crem restaurata cat de cat OK desi cu repere de Warszawa , una, in Satu Mare, in curs de restaurare, celelalte nu. There is also at least one 4x4 version which looks superb. This Pobeda is in an Italian vollage. In a way, it's a shame it will probably never return to Romania, especially as it's probably the best-preserved Mk1 Pobeda registered in Romania. Another interesting photograph is that of the Lux-Super. Un fapt interesant e ca unele din poze spre exemplu, cele de pe pagina 3 nu sunt totusi din ci din , aratand masini cu specific Cea mai interesanta poza din punct de vedere automobilistic e cea cu magazinul Ciclop de pe Magheru, unde, in epoca comunista, se puteau comanda multe piese pentru masini din vest, fapt iubit de proprietarii de FIAT, VW sau Renault. imagini cu dacii tunate

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Multi dintre voi probabil cunoasteti siteul "vanatorii de epave", vanatoriideepave.

imagini cu dacii tunate

Although undated, it is possible to say it's fromthe first year in which the estate was also sold as the Dacia S ambulance, and the last year for the type of hubcaps seen on page 4. E una din cele mai detaliate vederi din Romania cu o masina.

The car itself is a mystery but looks to be a circa phaeton. Astazi calcul ca mai sunt in viata vreo suta, din care marea majoritate in stare proasta.

A keen point of debate among Dacia historians These photos were displayed with much prode on the website of the Bucharest Sectory 2 mayor.

Banuiesc ca apartinuse unui student strain ; intr-adevar, multe masini simiplare deveneau epave, nefiind posibilitatea de a procura piese necesare.

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In a way, it's a shame it will probably never return to Romania, especially as it's probably the best-preserved Mk1 Pobeda registered in Romania. Jusging by the Oltenia plate it has not been driven since at leastand the condition is visibly worse than when it was photographed in the mid s. In cel mai bun caz proprietarii puneau fel de fel de birizbrizuri pe Daciile lor personale: It's still in a decent state of preservation, only the TV tail-lights belying its life in Romania, where the numberplates, issued in aboutmean that it was still driving around until at least the 80s.

This is one of the most detailed shots of a car on a Romanian postcard of that era. Cea mai interesanta poza din punct de vedere automobilistic e cea cu magazinul Ciclop de pe Magheru, unde, in epoca comunista, se puteau comanda multe piese pentru masini din vest, fapt iubit de proprietarii de FIAT, VW sau Renault.

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Probably this one belonged to a foreign student and, like many Western cars, was abandoned when parts became too much of a difficulty. Not just for poor people! Unsurprisingly, most of the cars have disappeared, but recently, a Chevrolet was rediscovered on a British website.

Majoritatea masinilor sunt inregistrate in Cehoslovacia. Some of the photos eg those on page 3however, are not from but rather and show chracterisitcs of the very rare model cars: Carte de Bucale - Bucurestii noi si vechi.

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English-language Dacia brochure. Newer Posts Older Posts Home. Nu doar pentru parliti! On locally-made cars, each owner strove to imprint his personality on it: Another interesting photograph is that of the Lux-Super. Deci am fost uimit sa vad o poza in revista Autoturism cu o masina extrem de rara in Romania anilor Din pacate vanzatorul vrea 80 Euro deci nu va face parte din colectie!

imagini cu dacii tunate

Dupa numarul de Oltenia nu a circulat dupasi vizibil conditia s-a deteriorat dupa anii 90 cand a fost fotografiata. Most of the photos there were made in the Craiova region over ten years ago, and provide a fascinating snapshot of the spectacular vehicles existing in the Romanian provinces at that time - even pre-war vehicles. Nu pot sa nu regret faptul asta, mai ales ca, pentru mine cel putin, farmecul masinilor vechi este unul nostalgic, si noi nu prea am crescut cu Cadillac in curte.

Nu era intr-o stare extraordinara, aceste masini ruginesc si nu au cotatie enorma. In Romania there are at least 5 or 6 other Chevrolets from the generation, most in precarious condition but one, in Tecuci, restored, albeit rudimentarily.

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In Romania inca sunt poate Pobezi, una crem restaurata cat de cat OK desi cu repere de Warszawauna, in Satu Mare, in curs de restaurare, celelalte nu. Many readers may tjnate aware of the "Wreck Hunters" website, vanatoriideepave. The pictured car clearly hadn'd been driven for a long time and was probably occupying a much-needed parking space.

Recent pe okazii a aparut aceasta carte postala, care se spune ca ar fi circaaratand un superb automobil in Olanesti. Per total, in Romania anului masinile nu se modificau foarte frumos.

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